Dark patches of skin in intimate areas are a normal occurrence that can occur as a result of hormonal changes, childbirth and the natural ageing process, but for some people, they can lead to feelings of self-consciousness. If you have unwanted dark skin on or around the vaginal labia (also known as the vulva), non-invasive vaginal whitening is available to gently brighten the skin. At Instant Laser Clinic, we offer Pink Intimate System vaginal whitening that works to safely and gently lighten dark skin in intimate areas.
Pink Intimate System vaginal whitening combines certain active ingredients that are known for lightening and lifting skin. These ingredients, which include kojic acid, rucinol, glutathione and MCA, are applied to the skin to gently lighten it and eliminate hyperpigmentation through a regenerative process. This non-invasive vaginal whitening treatment has been proven to be safe and effective and can also assist with improving tone and firmness. A minimum of 5 treatment sessions are recommended, with each session spaced 1-2 weeks apart.
If you’re interested in learning more about Pink Intimate System vaginal whitening, arrange an initial consultation at Instant Laser Clinic today. Call us on 1300 566 546 to book a suitable time at our clinic.
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